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The brownish image on the right takes the reasoning one step further. It has 6 stars on sides of the cross forming a double cross pattern true to Orion. It too shows the way, this time to the birthing scene of the Christ that marks the origins. The family is surrounded by two heavenly bodies that fit 2 sol stars or alternatively a sun and its planet which is traditionally explained as our sun and moon. The two bodies have 2 anomalies beneath them as well, flying 'domes' with triple tails, perhaps the obvious - flying discs present during the time.


The above two khachkar stones depict this very scene, and even more. The one on the left shows the classic alignment of the cross to the tiny star at the bottom that was marked by an X, literally the x that marks the spot on a map. Below that a pyramid, something examined later on soon. Note also how the X star emanates what could be best described as ribbons, floral patterns that reach to the sky. These ribbons are synonymous to the wine tendrils hence depictions of grapes on other khachkars. ref1 ref2


In Christian art angels and Cherubim's sometimes journey on such ribbons, surrounded by stars too ref (see hanging header with angels popping out of flowers) which implies the ribbons have roots in the much older serpent obsession. Depictions of snakes carrying 'gods' between the stars, in the heavens. This applies to cultures like Egypt, Maya and even China and the list goes on. ref The tube conduits served as what we call as wormholes and such a khackhar depiction suggests wormhole journeys from that star!


This same stone on its upper part shows a triangulation of sols too with one holding 7 dots in a seven rayed star. 3 suns near the 7 stars, something appropriate to mark the star map!

Khachkars are the signature relics of Armenia. Huge, intricately carved cross-stones that were erected during the Medieval times. ref They particularly stand out from general cross carvings since the stones boost perplexing and somewhat mysterious shapes and forms but one thing is universally found on each piece, it aligns with one or more special orbs or monuments below, mostly through a rope that links it with the bottom of the cross - a scene that went mostly unnoticed by scholars despite its great importance.


Wayne Herschel on his dedicated site the Key of Solomon showed a row of breakthroughs that led to the ultimate secret of just what the sacred cross of the Christ stood for, originally. A number of important records confirmed it was a cross formed in the sky, of stars and that it acted as the greatest cosmic pointer to something monumental associated with the origins of Christ and also the human race.


It was Orion bound as a double cross and its belt showed the way to trio of suns near the 7 star cluster of Pleiades, the original solar trinity.


Some of the khachkars like this one from one of the oldest churches of Armenia displays the star map so strikingly that even star shapes were incorporated into the design. Here the cross Orion conclusively shows the way towards the 3 sun stars arranged in triangle formation. Two of them are not just real stars but have their own serpent-like link to them while the most important one below connects through a defined rope like an arrow. It has 2 orbs at its sides standing on tiny pillars. Could it be planets? Two planets as found in several records which attach two worlds to the most important sun star of the trinity, like star map Stonehenge found by Wayne Herschel HERE


What still makes the khachkars special is their net shaped design especially in the sol parts. It appears to be a sacred tradition and multiple theories to its meaning were suggested. Otherwise known as the 'endless knot' ref this net not only represents wisdom that could be attributed to the secret star knowledge but also 'a symbolism linking ancestors and omnipresence' - 'gods'... but this time was it really God or human-like beings, ancestors of humanity capable to fly and do 'magic' as some of the ancient records speak about them like the accounts found in the Book of Enoch? ref It appears Ancients were mostly aware of such a difference since they also speak about a real cosmic creator God discussed later on.




To understand what role the pyramids play in this story it was essential for Wayne to examine the core clues that surround its mystery. In his February 2013 release 'Decoding Egypt' he proves the original inner function of the monument and that ultimately the goal of many of the globally found burial like mounds was to have an out-of-body experience where the initiate could fly to the stars as a soul and visit important places including the sun stars of the ancestors near Pleiades. In this light the purpose of carving pyramids at the X place on khachkars becomes clear - the tiny sunlike stars where Orion points the way to was also the destination of the journeying souls who had their soul induced out in a pyramid monument! ref

The above collection of stones shows it very well, so much that not only the left one has a tiny orb above its pyramid but the one on the right shows the pyramid ejecting the same ribbons or cosmic serpents out of it, the pathways for the soul.


The following story counts as a breakthrough in the star map history - it is a landmark piece of proof and it elevates the 'theory' to solid ground - why? The ancient secret sect of Carthusians which was a Roman Catholic religious order defined the cross of the churches on its own. They developed a motto and insignia to reflect their views ref - the motto was no less than...

"Stat crux dum volvitur orbis"

... which simply means "The cross is steady while the world is turning". These few words bear incredible importance, it speaks of a 'cross fixed in the sky while the Earth turns' ! A cross which was placed above the globe of Earth, and between stars defining it as a static constellation continually in the heavens. This is again something that makes the Orion reasoning valid.


It is not a coincidence either that 7 stars shine near the cross. It implies Orion was meant to point towards Pleiades ref where the profound secret is, the bloodline of humanity - something monarchs of the ages wanted hidden to war and plunder making it equal to a 'myth' hence all worthy kings and queens hold the 'globus cruciger' or orb with the cross to signify power and hidden knowledge of this secret.


It is possible too that originally the globe here stood for an even more profound thing, the planet of the primary sun star out of the trio. While the upturned letter T shape on the orb confirms it is Earth since so called OT maps were used in medieval times that divided our world to 3 continents by a T shape ref, frankly speaking it might have depicted the other planet in early editions. Such a case wouldn't be alone, some of the best star maps display the world of the 'gods' with 7 stars and cross including the lone sun star, such a map is the golden plaque of Cuzco, one of the most important Inca relics deciphered by Wayne Herschel. For more... click here

What if it were revealed that one of the most influential man of history, the direct advisor of Queen Elizabeth in the 16th century knew the secret of the secrets and it was apparently the same star secret? John Dee was this man and he knew it.

Dee was a philosopher of his age and studied the world of both 'magic' and science. He was among the few who could make a difference between the two and have a rational understanding of the surrounding world, as an astrologist too. Curiously in his last 30 years he was striving to be able to communicate with angels and contact them. ref The same angels who are redefined as advanced, 'flying' entities performing 'magic', alas technology if we look at them from a different perspective and the records of ancient cultures and tribes. Amazingly Dee left us a clue he indeed knew of them and the shocking secret about us.

For one of his 16th century manuscripts later titled Ms. Ashmole no.1789 he designed a cover image that shows the trinity with the geocentric solar system in the middle which includes our Earth in central position and the tiny sun in orbit to the left of it. ref The Bible lines on the blue border confirm it was intended to represent the Christian trinity and the verses deal with the actual beginnings of the world, ultimately humanity. And note, for the first time, very conclusively 3 SUNS were placed at the corners, each large to emphasize their importance - they were connected to us by thin golden lines, they seed Earth ! 

This piece of evidence stands as solidly as the Carthusian legacy, it is proof and by a renowned English person.

John Dee was not the only high-ranked person to hold the hidden knowledge. Artists and so called occultists around the world encoded the sacred truth into their work that is usually found at the most important places today. The great Florentine painters, Leonardo, Raphael, Fra Angelico all left clues in art. ref Angelico worked even in the Vatican so had ties to the religious elite. One of the painters was Domenico di Michelino who took part in creating the murals for the Florence Cathedral, the signature monument of the city. ref He was also the one who illustrated the work of Dante's Divine comedy.

The painting above is by him, it depicts Dante, the pink clothed figure who gestures in a way as if he was revealing something. Indeed, the scene here is particularly interesting. Note that the celestial spheres are supposed to display planets in orbits around our world again in a pre-Galileo fashion ref - but consider the following:

... the fresco frame chopped off the balance of stars, the cluster presents a 'similarity' to Pleiades, the planets in this area are as an equilateral triangle, the triangle points downwards as a symbolic of "As Above", the 'planets' are depicted like 'suns' and more... in the enlarged detail window the two symbols for two 'planets' matching the two important stars in the star map have coincidently symbol appearance 'similarity' to planets, the lower symbol coincidently has 'similarity' to an Egyptian bull deity and stands for modern day Taurus sign ref almost suggesting the star map is found in constellation Taurus which is true, last but not least the seven tiered pyramid with Adam and Eve are "As Below", seven probably for the 7 stars of the cluster. All clues tend to point towards a secret star map depiction.



The image here was the original cover page for the 1611 King James version Bible. ref Although the symbols might seem nothing special to the unaided eyes, they speak volumes to those who know their secret. Contrary to the usual sun-moon interpretation one could witness an amazing representation of a planet here! Designed in a special way the celestial body on the upper right captures a real planet in crescent transiting in front of its sun ref - something that would go unnoticed if weren't highlighted!


This same sol star with planet is surrounded by a cluster of 7 stars, an already familiar theme matching the 7 star cluster of Pleiades. Almost not surprisingly the depiction shows 3 other suns as well, 4 in all. The lower sun rises just above Earth and has the lamb, symbol of Christ ref meaning that is our sun but in the heavens above it there is the profound secret of 3 the holy sunlike stars. The 4 suns create a trinity pattern with the most important sun in the middle fashioned elliptically to include the dove which was made to resemble the flying disc of Egyptians here hence its small head and legs inside the orb shaped body. The flying disc which was the vehicle of the 'gods' as seen in Sumerian art - a disc that shone like the sun and could fly. ref This ellipse is reminiscent of the egg UFO shape, too!


The trinity pattern with father, son, holy spirit and 'god' matches the old representation of trinity here (image on the right) For more on this... click here Note how the cross corresponding Orion too forms a triangle pattern in lilac and merges with the downward-pointing triangle of the sun stars, something that inspired early Hebrews to create the Star of David. ref1 ref2 (proof here that the star is made up of two triangles and includes the 7 stars of Pleiades) Clearly, the same scene is seen on Dante's mural.


Note something else stunning in the image, a man holds the Holy Grail or sang real - the sacred bloodline ref - in his hand, highlighted in orange. He looks towards the central sol star and points down to Earth with his finger! Isn't it a clear suggestion it was a bloodline from heavens to our planet? Apparently that of all humanity as Wayne Herschel showed it in his research? After all the cup hold holy blood, didn't it?


Other notable artifact included in the scene is the key of Solomon or St Peter, also in orange. It was made to match the angle of the cross for a reason - Wayne proved it was also the symbol for Orion and it was meant to 'unlock' the secret. ref Here a duplicated key perhaps to match Vatican coat of arms ref, one key for the secret of our physical origins from the 3 suns and one for spiritual origins covered later on.


As pointed out earlier a number of artists included the grand secret in their life's work, from Da Vinci to later century painters. ref Heintz Joseph the younger, notable Venetian artist produced a number of magnificent paintings for churches. Curiously he replicated the apocalypse theme too, seen here and included a 7 star cluster in matching shape for Pleiades pointing to the crown of the painting, a closed crescent with a blazing sun and a plumpish lady, perhaps symbolizing birth. The star map ?!

Here is the solution - the closed crescent is a globally occurring symbol seen at various civilizations and tied to the star map. It is also visible above Adam and Eve on the previous Dante painting. The shape is only possible with a sun and its orbital planet that passes in front of its star ref - it has never been a moon crescent... and it is also the crescent of Islam. ref


The image above is from a manuscript and dates before 1000 AD. ref The old depiction shows the Christ surrounded by 3 stars, each with a tiny red sun in it middle and in a triangular formation. He holds the lower sun to imply it is his one!

He also wears a motif on his chest that has orbs in it creating a double cross pattern matching the elongated cross of Orion with its belt stars and 4 periphery stars (empty dots) - a pattern that was replicated on literally all of the Bible title pages in ancient Christian art. The author was clever to add him gesturing at the only fully colored constellation of the circle zodiac - Taurus, the place the 3 suns are part of and where Orion, the sacred cross points to! It is not a coincidence it was colored, amazingly an almost identical scene to this one is found on a circa 1000 year older Greek floor mosaic in Hamat Tiberias near Jerusalem that replaces Christ with Helios the sun god with a 7 pointed star and 7 rays and waving at Taurus, see the depiction HERE


The following pages are found in the 12th century majestic work Beatus of Liebana. ref The manuscript might be one of the most important artifacts that whispers the secrets of Christianity.

It has what is officially the whore of Babylon ref on the left hand image where a number of breakthroughs were included. The whore is but a metaphor detailed in the last chapter of Bible, a city that sits on seven hills and fornicated with the kingdoms of Earth by selling her secrets and power to them ! For the first time it is clearly shown how this 'lady' had 'enslaved' the secret of the primeval serpent or dragon who makes a sad face here because 'she' dominates over it. ref1 ref2 This same serpent-dragon appears in all cultures as a motif that was used to depict cosmic conduits the 'gods' travelled on between the stars, wormholes... ref but their sacred meaning was demonized to keep away anyone who wanted to deal with its sacred nature - the heretics were burnt a stake! The same thing happened to star knowledge where stars had adopted demonic names to keep away the curious people. ref (see demons Ornias and Beelzeboul as Orion and Betelgeuse)

Most amazingly, the whore shows the 3 stars here in a triangle with 7 whirls nearby. The 7 whirls are in the shape of Pleiades with a central 7 pointed star matching the central star of Pleiades, Alcyone. The 3 stars were placed correctly next to the 7, too! The 6-pointed one whispers it is also the Star of David while the 5-pointed star shows the pentagram shape for human form. ref1 ref2


The whore also holds the Chi-Rho cross, deciphered by Wayne Herschel to be the same as the sacred cross Orion as it points the way. And finally, she has the Grail too, up high; the sacred bloodline of humans 'she' had hidden from commoners but shared with kingdoms, so the elites of countries could keep records of the millennia-old knowledge. Vaticanus, as a wordplay could translate as the 'old hag in the prophecy' ref1 ref2, sits on 7 hills in a city... is it the CHURCH itself in Rome who IS the mystery lady? (...)

Interestingly some Protestants share this view! ref


The page on the right is equally important. Found in the same script it not only shows the 3 suns in a real sun-like manner but places them in the 'domain' of Christ, a separated place divided by a line from the Earthly realm below it where the cross Orion is shown with our sun as the 4th celestial body the complete the original trinity.


The 3 suns are also surrounded by doves, a whole cluster of them. Intricately the name Pleiades was derived from Greek and means a 'flock of doves' - something that could inspire the whole Christian iconography to adopt the dove theme when showing Pleiades, but in a secret manner. ref1 ref2 And true, the 3 suns are visually next to Pleiades.

The 3 suns also have rays to them, something that appears in historical depictions. ref The central one stars a pillar too it aligns with, also a symbol that appears on the first degree masonic tracing board which has the same star map, deciphered by Wayne, see HERE


The pictures here are too part of the aforementioned manuscript. Again, as earlier Christ or the Son of Man (as his 'successor' is referred to in Revelations) arrives a second time to expose the truth to humanity signified by the sharp sword from his mouth. He holds his address, the 7 stars ref but look what he still has - the star of Bethlehem to the right of the star cluster, one of the 3 suns, a direct depiction how his star is one near Pleiades.

The other page shows the now familiar dove cluster theme, where Christ's sun in the middle is surrounded by the white birds, the same theme so to speak but using more symbolic ways. Compare these scenes to the worldwide found examples below.


The priory of Perugia in Italy holds a profound secret - it covers the final elements to understand the star secret, how Christ was involved and the Bible teaching about it. Meaning cracked by Wayne Herschel, image pieced together by me, the ceiling mural can finally speak its earth-shattering message. Wayne is about to release a full coverage on this proof candidate place soon, on his site The Hidden Records


... Until then let it be said that the scene shows a sun against a starry night sky surrounded by 7 stars for Pleiades, a cross for Orion and a real, small world, a blue planet in 'god's hand - the biological father of Christ. The father who appears to ride a semi-transparent disc camouflaged in clouds visible when zoomed on the edge.


​The scene involves the knowledge of 2 different early Bibles, one with the secret having Orion's belt blended into the cross on it, and one without it. The below graphic gives a clue just what is about to be covered regarding this mural, soon.













As explained on the page HERE Ancient Egypt developed one of the most detailed bull cult, an anomaly found worldwide though. ref The sacred bull or cow had been called by numerous names like Apis, Mehet-Weret or Hathor through the time but it was generally agreed to represent a heavenly animal. From the evidence collected on page Egypt it becomes apparent how it was indeed a cult of Taurus, the constellation and that Egyptian themes speak about the same story of 'gods' descending from that area, by star ships.


The perfect renditions of Apis bulls like some of those from the famous Serapeum of Saqqara include a golden triangle on the forehead, something associated with the triangle shaped womb of the sky goddess Nut, too - something that has to do with birth and origins. Wayne Herschel showed how Egyptians choose the same 3 stars in the vicinity of Pleiades and that this explains the reverence of Taurus, he also showed Egyptians developed a solar trinity in order to represent the heavenly trio of suns. ref


Christianity had been deeply influenced by this symbology and it also developed its on version of the trinity. The next time you visit a cathedral chances are you will see a triangle placed into a giant golden orb. It is the same ancient story of the star map, the forgotten knowledge of the 3 suns. Compare the two artifacts above. 

When visiting the cathedral also try to spot the 7 candlesticks (one with a cross) that are usually placed around the trinity symbol and like in Jewish tradition represent the 7 celestial lights of Pleiades, the area of the three suns. ref




Rendered pictures by Marton Molnar-Gob and Wayne Herschel - Text editing made by Mrs. Ehinger

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