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The Egyptian tomb of Sennedjem has an entrance above the workmen's village at Deir el-Medina. It proves a long standing mystery of the Sun-like star theory, depicting the sun star in a night scene. ref​


The mural shows a night scene with the souls of past great kings and the veneration of the seven star cluster, to the right of it a sun disc, the same star map found all over the world, a special star near Pleiades. But what stands out as particularly special here is the first time the sol star, which is a star just like our Sun, is placed looking like our Sun, at night! The identical theme is seen on the most powerful star map of the Senmut tomb, deciphered by Wayne Herschel, author of the Hidden Records. For the full story... click here​


Now the ancients would not paint the sky dark like this with stars as per all their other night scenes then add OUR sun. The other star scenes also show the same Sol star being born from sky goddess Nut's womb like the Seti Tomb but it was rather symbolic, unlike this solid case.


Tomb of Irynefer in the Valley of Kings is yet another example of the same star pattern, on a dark painted sky. In fact there are at least 5 other reoccurring cases of the theme found in various tombs of the same era like that of Nebenmaat or the papyrus of Neferrenpet.


The one above is special in a way, the 'sun' here is surrounded by a white circle or ring, a feature that Egyptologists tend to agree represents a 'nocturnal' sun, not the daylight sun! According to them it refers to our Moon but does it? This claim is not only illogical given the sun appearance of the body but the reoccurring star pattern found in other civilizations redefines its meaning. Thus it's the first exclusive reference to another sun, a 'nocturnal' one! ref1 ref​2 (see panel 6)


The accompanying unusual spell 135 from Book of the Dead suggests the sun star which is titled as the 'Eye of Ra' (his place of origin) is conjunct by our Moon hence the white ring! A sacred moment also mentioned by the ancient Testament of Solomon as found by Wayne Herschel on his site the Key of Solomon. Astronomically speaking it is ideal since the ecliptic is indeed close to Pleiades. ref (red line)


The text:


"Another spell to be said when the moon is new on the first day of the month. Open, O cloudiness! The bleary Eye of Re is covered, and Horus proceeds happily every day, even he the great of shape and weighty of striking-power, who dispels bleariness of eye with his fiery breath." ref (translation by Faulkner, 2000)


Note how the layout of the 7 stars here mimics the way ancient Sumerians depicted it as seen on the image here and here, choosing the same X star for sun-like star nearby and its world in crescent, the place of their flesh and blood bird-like 'gods' where the bird nature simply stood for the ability of flight. The sun god Ra as Horus in its later form and many other Egyptian gods were portrayed in the same fashion.


The Ancients revered suns. Egyptologists think that it was our sun in different forms but if one takes a truly in depth look at the murals that speak of the soul's journey to the stars through celestial 'serpent conduits' a different concept emerges. ref In many cases there are small isolated suns among the clustered regular stars, they are not the same ones. It is clear that they knew of many suns, stars like ours and stars not like ours. ref


The picture above is from the Book of the Earth ref, great example of defined ancient knowledge of other suns and with ours but note the three tiny suns in a triangle. Wayne Herschel's research made it clear there were actual 3 sacred sun-like stars in the vicinity of Pleiades, the origins of trinity as a solar trio! The 3 here fitting the general hypothesis.


Note also the personified flying disc topped with a small dome in venerating position, revering the trio.





Ancient depictions around the world show their gods opening a mighty stargate using one but usually two special rods, rods sometimes transformed into serpents - no wonder, symbolically depicted they 'kill' the cosmic serpent to open its end. The serpent or dragon was the ancient synonym for a conduit, wormhole so to speak. When opened formed a special gateway to the stars, depicted as an almost flaming patterned door. The ancient gods really did not kill these serpents nor were the snakes evil, it was mythological story for controlling them! ref


The Ramses VI tomb shows many star ships sailing into opened stargates all traveling along the body of Nut, the representation of the sky filled with stars, they travel from star to star, from sun like star to sun like star. ref​


When the gate opened lots of tiny ribbons (perhaps plasma) opened around and from it, depicted as floral branches by the ancients, the other versions of the serpents in tiny edition.


Note how the ship on the Ramses tomb picture is connected to our sun by serpents below it as well. It's a clever clue how our sun was also a stargate as seen in other depictions, a cosmic gate that sucks in the ships and should transport them to other stars. Finally, note the bird glyphs placed around the gate in both Egyptian depictions, a symbol for flight.


And more, look at the papyrus, the mouth of the serpent is connected by a small line to the red gate that sucks in the ship! It tells everything. The red rectangular stargate opened is the ending of the tube like serpent which is the cosmic conduit, wormhole. But the serpent depiction doesn't end here, the ship not just 'glides' on the snake, it is also carried by such cosmic snakes called uraei as shown on the other part of the papyrus, click here to see it. On the other hand jackals carry it too, the ultimate clue that the ship is entering the realm of the 'otherworld', perhaps referring to the change of dimensions here.

Lotus flowers were also the openings of the same star gates just in a more symbolical style hence Egyptian depictions of ships and gods popping out from the sacred flower surrounded by stars. They were also attached to ship endings making the ship itself resemble the conduit, practically mimicking the serpents! Credit goes to researcher William Henry for discovering this extra feature. ref​


One particular depiction that stands out is placing a sun or star above the very opening of the lotus. It clearly shows how the ship-conduit opens to a sun and the soul seen in white robe here is transported to that place. There exists a special depiction where both ends possess suns above literally speaking about a journey between two suns, click here to see the image. (ref - Philae, 3rd-1st centuries BC, Michael Hasselriis) It's interesting to point out that the other end of the conduit opens to an Udjat eye, something associated with the all seeing eye of the creator - it will be discussed later on this page.


There is one more exciting aspect to this story. On occasions the body of the lotus topped ship-conduit was decorated with a string of yellowish dots along its base, a clever way to suggest a conduit reaching through many stars and suns. Examples of it included here and here

To develop the story some of the old depictions of such ships use serpent heads or whole snake body, shows very well how the ship, serpent and lotus were basically interchangeable terms - all stood for wormhole travelling. The image on the right takes this reasoning one step further, note how the snake is the only occupant of the barque laid out along it as if merging with it. The snake-only depictions in ships are many and are strong suggestions that the two motifs are essentially one and the same!




Papyrus of Ani breakthrough. It shows the stargate scene in two ways, one repeating the plasma like gate with ribbons emanating like seen here, and the other showing an actual gate filled with stars. In both cases the barques 'sail' into it with Ra on board.


Note also that the ship on the left has a ladder ending on its right part. This little detail may very well connect to the lotus or serpent ending of the boat discussed above, a metaphorical celestial ladder that leads to the stars and it's cleverly embedded into the ship-conduit. The end of the ladder is special as well, perhaps implies the opening of the wormhole!


A Seti I tomb mural and old scripture reveals where Ra 'sailed' to, through stargates, constellation Taurus, the place of the sun star near Pleiades - His place. ref The star gates were highlighted in pink here and note how one ship enters it while the other leaves the gate and more importantly was put to the womb of the cow, born there.


The rarely mentioned ancient Egyptian Book of the Heavenly Cow narrates the mythical story of the 'god' Ra who sailed back to the stars, to the BACK of the heavenly bull after his beloved Earthly people of the fading Golden Age revolted against him, saying he was too old and aged. Therefore Ra and the 'gods' decided to punish humanity but forgave the people soon after. He then set off to the sky and never returned. Still resides in Bull till these days... ref


In his 1912 book 'Legends of the Gods' the renowned Egyptologist, E. A. Wallis Budge included a startling observation that clarifies once and for all just why Ra and the 'gods' travelled to the back of the sacred bull, it reveals it is their place! The stargates open to the place of the star 'gods'!


Quote here:


"The Cow represents the sky in which the Boats of Ra, sail, and her four legs are the four cardinal points which cannot be changed. The region above her back is the heaven in which Ra reigns over the beings who pass thereto from this earth when they die, and here was situated the home of the gods and the celestial spirits who govern this world." ref (11. page, ​3. paragraph)​









As shown by Wayne Herschel all the 50 or so pyramids of Lower Egypt are part of a unified pyramid star map that maps out the constellations in a 360 degree panorama along Milky Way, placing the sacred city of Abusir in the middle. Abusir with the nearby sun temple mirrors the stars of Pleiades and the sun star in question. Surprisingly the basic correlation to Pleiades was known to early Egyptology but it is ignored now. Abusir in fact duplicates the most ancient and important star map ever, found on Mars! For the full story... click here and for the Abusir map here​







Astronomically speaking the back of the celestial bull, Taurus is indeed the area of Pleiades! ref The star maps make it clear that the special sun associated with Ra is situated in this very place. Amazingly, Egyptian depictions are full of the veneration of the sacred sky bull where they worship a huge red sun disc above the calf's back. Note that the above depiction is from the very same tomb where one of the 7 stars with a sun painting was found, against a night sky (2nd image on this page). Thus the tomb depiction of the star map is complete; the 7 star cluster is above the bull's back.


But there's more. The ship with lotus ends and a sun above it comes from the same tomb as well. It has far reaching implications; it suggests that the soul travelled to this star, specifically! They visited the place of their 'gods'. In the beginnings - as in other cultures - this journey was most likely a real, astral-type journey of the soul where the person was physically not dead at all, only the soul was induced out of the body. Sounds unbelievable? One of the oldest texts on Earth examined by Wayne Herschel and Wm.R. Fix, writer of the book 'Star maps' tells just that.

The so called 'Pyramid texts' or Unas texts partly speak about the story of king Unas who travelled to the stars BUT did not have to die in order to do so! It is repeated countless times "He is NOT dead" and that he needs to awake later on. ref In fact Egyptology has knowledge about a mysterious and very ancient festival called 'Sed' or 'Heb Sed' that seems to be connected to the pyramids and a number of pharaohs participated in it. They ritually died and then were reborn, journeyed in the Night-boat, and returned to this life in the Day-boat. ref (Wm.R. Fix: Star maps, page 89) Unas specifically visited the sun people when between the stars - were they the people of the sun star near Pleiades?


Apart from the real soul journey it needs to be pointed out that these astral travelling's seem to have degenerated into mythology and belief as time passed, people didn't practice it or forgot how to do it but the essence of it was kept alive... and the souls of the deceased were still believed to travel to the sacred bull or cow as the following paragraph details it!



The solar barques of the 'gods' were not mere water boats that just 'happened' to sail in the sky. Egyptians mention some of their otherworldly properties too. Among these we find that that the actual names for these ships were "rapid ships" - they were made of gold, and were capable to bridge incredible distances in very little time! ref (László Kákosy: Sons of Re, page 312) Perhaps it comes as no surprise that their other title was 'Barque of Millions of Years' ref, a gentle clue it was able to cross distances of millions of light years in matter of seconds. The golden shine speaks for itself, it had a metallic coating.


Wayne Herschel identified that Ra or Horus was sometimes portrayed in a specific version of this ship, one that is EGG shaped. This egg usually took the form of an oval and the figure of the deity was put inside it. As pointed out by Wayne, this clearly mechanical form is officially represented by the word 'disc' in the Tulli papyrus of Thotmes III that apparently speaks about a fleet of unidentified flying objects with no sound that were sighted in one of the later periods of Egypt, perhaps when its origins were already forgotten. See image here


Interestingly enough it was observed that the amulet papyri of the 1st millennium BC frequently dealt with the notion of such sightings which led Egyptologists think that in the period between 2000 to 500 BC Earth passed through a dense shower of meteors... but was it really meteors? And why just this period? Given the account of Thotmes and the obsession about flying discs of all Egyptian eras it wouldn't be surprising if these celestial 'fire circles' were rather celestial discs of the curious 'gods' who revisited the people. ref (László Kákosy: Sons of Re, page 264)



In February 2013 Wayne Herschel released his breakthrough discovery HERE about the solution to the star shafts of the great pyramid and its reasoning and connection to Egypt's ultimate pyramid star map. On the dedicated site he proves how it was really 2 destinations the souls travelled to:


The sun stars in the area of Pleiades, on the BACK of Taurus, the bull constellation

​The Duat, the Egyptian otherworld or spirit world with the cosmic tree in it


His conclusion was based on substantial proof and globally found accounts as well as the thorough recalculation of the angles of the pyramid star shafts.


A number of papyri and textual evidence will attest he was indeed right. The above image is from the coffin of Anch-efen-mut with a typical Theban tomb, similar to those of Nubia and the Western Mountain next to it. The papyrus essentially shows what happens to the soul of the deceased (or astral traveller) - a cosmic serpent emerges from the top of the pyramidal tomb and carries a lotus flower that opens to the now familiar back of the bull, while the other serpent-lotus duo opens to the cosmic tree on the other side (covered later on). The cow or bull has its own terrafirma it stands on hinting it is up between the stars. Similarly note how the snake is winged, it is of the sky. This scene becomes complete with the wormhole reasoning as discussed previously, where the serpent and lotus are synonyms of each other. The soul is literally carried to the place of the star people near Pleiades through cosmic conduits! Nothing mirrors this better than some authentic Egyptian references, as Egyptologist László Kákosy says...


Quote here:


"On some of the images it was the Hathor-cow who welcomed and received the deceased at the door of the otherworld" ref (László Kákosy: Sons of Re, page 351)





Digging deeper into the story of the Hathor-cow reveals startling clues about the birthplace of the 'gods', for it is constellation Taurus they originated from! The ancient cow goddess Hathor was present from the first times of Egypt and it is accepted that she was cosmic and of the sky - what Egyptologists don't realise however is that she really was the bull constellation. In fact constellation Taurus is the oldest asterism ever ref, found in the 17,000 year old cave of Lascaux, France as well, and coincidently it repeats the same Pleiades star theme there as found by Wayne. For more... click here


The name Hat-hor already hints at something important, it means 'House of Horus' hence often seen representations of large enclosures with a Horus falcon in it put on cow's back. ref Horus was in fact a later form of Ra. It is his home, the area of the sun star. But there's more, not only her other title was the 'Eye of Ra' but her other form called 'Mehet-weret' was directly referred to as the 'Mother of Ra' and the 'Oldest of beings' confirming it was the most ancient constellation... where everything began so to speak, where life originated from. ref


The above papyrus shows the sacred cow emerging from the Western Mountain or actual cosmic water with a large sun put above its back area, note the scarab in it - the sign of Ra! ref Proof that it IS the sun of Ra, the star of the 'gods'. Ra and 'sun' were interchangeable terms and Egyptology does mention Mehet-Weret as the one who gave birth to the sun - but it was not our sun. What's more the word Ra in general might have stood for any star that was like our sun, in astronomical terms. Amazingly, this knowledge seems to be shared by all cultures for Polynesians called the sun 'Ra' or 'La' while Japanese called it 'Ri' and both cultures have ancient star map remnants matching Egypt, sun stars near the 7 stars, marked as the place of their ancestors. See Wayne's Polynesian star map story here, that of Easter Island.


Herodotus left us clues about the perfect representation of the Egyptian sky cow who were also called as 'Apis'. According to scripture it had to be black, its forehead decorated by a triangle, its back by a falcon shaped white spot. ref (László Kákosy - Sons of Re, page 334) Although this left researchers clueless, it fits neatly within the star map context! The solution to the black colour is obvious, this was a constellation, up in the sky, made of stars against the blackness of space, which is supported by the fact that some depictions showed its body covered in stars. - The white falcon on its back signified the place of Horus / Ra. 

The triangle is an astonishing extra. Remember the paragraphs in the beginning of this page. Wayne presents a star map of actual 3 sun like stars near Pleiades, 3 that are situated in a rough triangle. A solar trinity that later evolved into the well-known Trinity. It is not a coincidence that Egypt and numerous civilizations around the world possessed trinity belief. Egypt had in fact triple trinity as the dominant cities had their own version. Wayne identified the Osiris-Isis-Horus trio as all aspects of SOLAR deities and 'coincidently' a father, mother and child. Next time you go to a famous cathedral look for huge trinity representations, chance is that you will see a blazing sun or golden circle put behind it, it's all preserved in a hidden way. For more... click here



Egyptian records speak about a special aspect of the bovine goddess Hathor when she is seen as 7 Hathors. It is now agreed that she was a representation of the 7 stars of Pleiades fitting the worldwide found story of 7 young celestial girls or sisters like in Greece or Australia. ref1 ref2 ref3 As we see Egypt is no exception! Why did half of the world refer to them as seven young girls is a mystery and was most likely passed down from star visitors long time ago. The clever solution lies in the astronomical age of the cluster - it is very young compared to our system. ref The star 'gods' might have simply told about this and likened them to adolescent girls! It reveals it was not the only scientific feature of the cluster the Ancients knew about and preserved symbolically. More on this later.


The 7 girls here were also known as seven cows, brides of the bull who may very well be Taurus itself. By definition these 7 cows were still Pleiades and this means no less that the famous Book of the Dead indeed had mention of the star cluster in it as seen above from chapter 148. ref In fact the spell states that the soul wishes to 'come into being' in the area of the BACK of the bull where the sun stars are, almost longing after a reincarnation there and mentions that place in context of 'god's domain! The 7 cows or Pleiades also gives provision for the wandering soul.


What's more, the text mentions that the soul who ascends shines in its disc, a tradition that might evolve from flesh and blood 'gods' ascending to Taurus in their golden disc as discussed earlier.

The text:


"Hail to you, You who shine in your disk, a living soul who goes up from the horizon! I know you and I know your name; I know the names of the seven cows and their bull who give bread and beer, who are beneficial to souls and who provide daily portions; may you give bread and beer and make provision for me, so that I may serve you, and may I come into being under your hinder-parts. ... (the names of the cattle here)... May you grant bread and beer, offerings and provisions which shall provide for my spirit, for I am a worthy spirit who is in the God's domain." ref (page 88)


Although the 7 cows of Pleiades are the means of reverence, the real address is not the star cluster - it is the ultimate 3 suns nearby. To the right of the animal's stands Ra or Horus, he bears the triple atef crown, 3 sun discs embedded into 3 columns in its base and duplicated on its top! Wayne Herschel identified this breaking symbolism at a Kom Ombo mural previously, there also associated with horned 'gods' where the horns of either a bull or ram hold the 3 stars as a clue which constellation they are located in. ref The solution to the ram horns and ultimately ram worship is consistent - Aries, the ram is the neighboring constellation to Taurus, they together seem to hold the area of Pleiades, both on its back. This is why Aries looks back to its hinder area and hence the mixed horn crowns of a bull and ram. ref


Some Arabian and Jewish astronomers for instance, put Pleiades on the rump of Aries. ref


The above sketch is a copy of a rarely seen papyrus found in the book 'Dawn of Civilization' by early Egyptologist Gaston Maspero. ref (page 181) The author explains the scene is about the 'otherworldly' trip of a soul to a majestic garden called 'Fields of Aaru' ref where everything is abundant and is more perfect than here on Earth (more on this later). What is striking in both depictions though is the presence of 3 suns, one with a planet in crescent tied to the star! It is agreed that the upper depiction shows the soul travelling along 'cosmic waterways' to reach the wished destination, where the waterway more than likely stands as a synonym for cosmic serpents, wormholes. Note that the waterway has a triple intersection and the three suns are placed along these routes, each respectively. It implies no less that this IS the 3 suns of the 'gods' and each has its own cosmic address hence the different directions here and hence no triangle formation!

Note also the usage of bulls and cows. It is not a coincidence that the happy souls are herding 'celestial cattle'. It may very well be a remnant tradition regarding the ultimate destination of the three sun stars, Taurus.



Although the Egyptians recorded more than 7 souls (!) of the person, it was the Ka and Ba that became the most famous and essential. In a nutshell Ka represents the projection, ghostly facsimile depicted as small statured while Ba denotes the soul-bird with a star nature represented by a stork, later with human head. ref (László Kákosy: Sons of Re, page 307)


​Is it just a coincidence that Egyptologists noticed a profound etymological connection between the words Ka-Ba and the two sacred animals Bull and Ram? Ka 'accidentally' almost matches the word for Bull, while Ba is connected to the word Ram. This elaborate match confused the researchers but in fact fits perfectly in the context of the soul journeys - as explained earlier the souls travelled to the sacred area of Taurus or Aries, specifically to their back, the place of Ra hence the reference to Ka and Ba! ref (same as previously)




The image here is from the richly decorated tomb of Ramses VI, the same tomb the first 3 suns depiction on this page originates from. One of the walls depicts a naked woman of giant stature who appears to represent the sky goddess Nut herself, she who holds the stars in her body, the universe essentially. ref An outstanding scene was painted directly at her womb area, her sacred feminine triangle. 

3 solar discs accompanied by the ram / bull with a double reference to Ra, in his scarab and ram-horned form! On the left a naked man is being received by two hands (partly visible here) that originate from the ground. This man could stand either for a type of a soul or simply one who is being born... from the stars to Earth.


The conclusions are far reaching - it suggests birth from the familiar 3 suns. And as Wayne Herschel pointed out, it accounts for the Egyptian depictions where the womb of Nut is a golden triangle with celestial bodies placed into it, here conclusively made up of the 3 sun-like stars (remember the perfect Apis bull too possessed the sacred triangle on its forehead). For the full depiction... click here



The beginnings of Egypt reach back to a very ancient epoch that was distant in the past even for Ancient Egyptians, it was called Zep Tepi. Some sources place it beyond 17,000 BC matching Wayne's calculation! ref The story of the heavenly cow with the aged Ra as a mortal man mentioned earlier on this page is deeply tied to that golden age but there's even more to this story. The story of humanity begins with an actual 'age of the gods', several deities who ruled for fabled centuries and millennia, then, for some reason, degenerated into 'half-gods' soon followed by the first pharaohs. Although the details of the story get lost in the misty past, some striking records were preserved in legends.

One such account is the sun-hymn of king Heti, in which he hints at a 'smoking-gun' clue about our relation to the 'gods'. He states no less that we were made in the IMAGE of the 'god'! Something well known from the Genesis of Bible where the word for 'god' stands in plural - this 'god' however most likely has nothing to do with the eternal one God with capital letter G but with people from the stars.

The Egyptian text:


"He (the divine) created the sky and earth for their (humans') joy, and dispelled the beast of the primordial waters. He made the air so that their nose could smell it, since HIS image they are, who originate from HIS BODY. He shines in the sky for their happiness. He created the plants for them, also the animals and fish, to nurture them. But as for his enemies, he killed them, he punished his children because those were about to rebel. He made the light for their joy as well, he takes rounds to see them. He erected sanctuary between them, so that he could hear when they cried." ref (László Kákosy - Sons of Re, page 372)

Amazingly the account of the punishment mentioned earlier on this page and above was in the form of a FLOOD. This is too much to be a coincidence. It is said that that the amount that covered the fields was 3 times that of the normal levels! This liquid however is referred to as 'beer' because it had a strong sedative effect, perhaps something symbolical. ref



Egyptian records also speak about '7 wise ones' who helped to create the world ref - they were brought forth by the now familiar Mehet-weret cow. All of this makes sense now. These seven are obviously the very same 7 cows or 7 Hathors who reside in Taurus... seven stars of Pleiades, as our evolution began in that very area.


But the accounts don't end here. An in depth look reveals the ancient texts particularly the Book of the Dead is literally obsessed with the number 7 and that few of the most sacred things to them have a 7-fold nature! Seven spirits, seven doorkeepers of the otherworld, seven headed serpents (just like the seven headed dragon of European myths) just to name a few. For some insight look up the link here, in the Book of the Dead. (Use Ctrl + F to search)


Now that most points regarding the home of the star 'gods' and the astral travelling's there were covered, the special artifact above reveals its new, astonishing meaning! The coffin painting shows a scene where a step pyramid or primordial mound plays the central role and a serpent that originates from the ground but ends in the sky touches the apex of the structure... with a sun with its rays inside the top. It tells everything.

Wayne Herschel in his previously mentioned February 2013 breakthrough HERE defined the meaning of the star shafts of the Great pyramid and that ultimately pyramids were originally STAR TEMPLES, temples for the living soul and not for dead where the initiates after much practice acquired knowledge how to travel to the stars by simple will in a real life astral journey. He also defined the 2 destinations of interest that is mirrored here again very clearly.

First, the suns near the Pleiades. The scene includes depiction of a crocodile headed ram / bull shown with both sides since symbolically both sides were sacred to the Ancients even though it was a constellation (see how it is in the air resting on sky pedestal; the crocodile head reasoned later on). Note what is in the body of the animal, a dot with crescent - something that is not a hieroglyph but clearly an important astronomical marking, a star and its world in crescent, the address. 


As depictions suggest the soul's first journey to the cosmos would be our sun as a stargate ref hence the sun with 'grabbing' rays in the apex which is then directly touched by the wormhole serpent which carries the soul afterwards to heavenly portals, gates as seen in the left, the column of many horizontal sticks as these are indeed agreed to represent gates. ref (side register) And after many stargates, the soul would reach the destination of the 'gods'!

Egyptians speak about the DUAT, the otherworld or underworld which existed in the SKY and it was the final destination of the soul where it was judged by the lord of that realm, Osiris. ref If they passed they were allowed to travel to a beautiful paradise, a garden with rivers and crystal walls with many gates. ref The solution lies at Osiris though. He is in fact just a personification of what is called the Djed column. ref Wayne Herschel deciphered that this column with rings around was the ultimate pillar of light many civilizations speak about including the Bible's Genesis where it is identified as the Tree of Life. Indeed Egyptians also referred to it as the life giving tree hence the papyrus earlier on this page that shows the serpent-lotus duo opening to the cosmic tree. ref

What Egyptologist didn't or just barely realised though is that the Djed column IS the cosmic tree. Not only the two appear together on many depictions but an ancient artifact now in the Palestine Museum shows the pillar with roots, the conclusive evidence - this match is presented for the first time! It matches the Sumerian tree as well. ref

But just what is this cosmic tree? Wayne dedicated a whole site for it at Oneism. In his near-death-experience decades ago he believes he had seen what many others describe as the light at the end of the tunnel, the home of the soul, God? He presents historical proof that indeed All cultures were taught about this place which is found at the farthest boundary of the universe as some accounts describe it like the Quran. ref


There's one more piece of the puzzle when it comes to the sacred cow, it holds a special artifact on its back, part of a ritual necklace. This jewelry is called 'Menat' and has sacred role in Hathor worship. ref This keyhole shape puzzled scholars and was unidentified... up until now. Wayne found that the same shape was part of the magical Key of Solomon, the central theme in Egypt's astronomical Senenmut tomb and essential part of the Masonic tracing board and that in all cases it stood for a star with a ray of light emanating from it, including the Christmas Tree tradition. ref1 ref2


​He found that this was the same sun star near Pleiades and the beam denoted a ladder of light to suggest visitation and colonization from there to Earth - a very ancient pictographic tradition. Amazingly, this same symbol is found in Egypt too and was precisely placed on the back of Taurus, the exact spot of the sol star. The temple of Dendera which was dedicated to Hathor not only features this symbol but giant depictions of a sun with ray verify the meaning of the Menat, placed in the womb for birth.


A special crescent shaped necklace part was also joined to this keyhole, probably no less than a reference to a planet in crescent, the home of the 'gods'!



The second address is also given, the serpent holds it on a long pedestal with Osiris on a throne. Earlier on this second destination was omitted not to confuse the reader but for the greater understanding of the star maps it must be covered and reasoned. This other destination was the most sacred thing to Egyptians and basically for all cultures of the world, even more sacred than the suns near Pleiades. It is something harder to understand because its nature is not so exact as that of the alien star systems in Taurus. Read the following paragraph carefully...







To further reason the Aries - ram worship the latest astronomy program, Starry Night Pro verifies something startling about the ancient position of the Pleiades area. The ram association with the star map and Ra was present in the earliest epochs of Egypt and its fame faded as time went by. It is possible that Egyptians preserved the memory of a very ancient teaching when the sun stars and Pleiades still resided closer to the ram constellation - and indeed the program verified that the general stellar movement of both the sol star candidates and Pleiades is towards the back or hinder part of Aries. 

Look how the ram really stares at its back, likely a forgotten clue once there was something important there.


Rendered pictures by Marton Molnar-Gob and Wayne Herschel - Text editing made by Mrs. Ehinger

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