The linear zodiac of Dendera hints at a very ancient secret, a tradition that is part of almost all ancient star maps across the cultures. Egyptian murals like this show how the 'gods' climb up on a stairway to heaven to reach a special sun and its world in crescent - it is the same sun star with its planet that appears in the star charts of Egypt listed and discussed on PAGE I. The place of Ra and essentially all the star deities hence all are shown here! Some Egyptian 'gods' like Isis wear this same sun star between the bull's horns as headdress hinting at where the star is, in Taurus. ref
Now look how this sun aligns with a pillar beneath it where the column acts as a marker for the star on the ground. The core of this design likely comes from the pyramid star map of Egypt where the most special pyramid, the obelisk pyramid of Abu Ghurab near Abusir like a pillar marks the place of this sun star in the pyramid star map as identified by Wayne Herschel. For the full story... click here
But why was a pillar or obelisk chosen to represent an important star in heavens, and ultimately why do pyramids have their distinctive shape?
On a closer look and as the design evolves, this very same pillar sometimes transforms into a ray of light and has steps added to it much the same way the stairway has steps on it the 'gods' climb up on! It is actually a ladder of light that commemorates and signifies the descent of people from that place. A colonization. ref
Essentially obelisk = pillar = ray of light = ladder, it is the same tradition.
The original masonic tradition replicates the same theme. Here, the upper right image with the checkered floor is the famous first degree tracing board in its original edition. Wayne discovered it shows all the three suns identified near Pleiades, the middle one being the most important. Note the pillar tradition, each star aligns with its marker on the ground where these mark a point in time hence checkered floor. On the other hand the beam of light tradition with steps is present too, emanating from the central star which is the Star of Bethlehem, synonymous to the sun of Ra!
Jacob's ladder is about the same theme - HERE angels just like the Egyptian 'gods' climb up on steps towards heaven and in several depictions to the star of Christ. Great cities adopted this tradition and put a star or golden solar ball on the top of their obelisk or pillar monument, so did Rome, Kiev, St. Petersburg and of course Paris, Budapest just to name a few (click links). These mostly Christian cities celebrate the old tradition.
Note how many of the pillars hold angels too because the sun star atop is their world of origin! They also carry a cross, the symbol for Orion, deciphered by Wayne which shows the way to the sun star. The Heroes' Square in Budapest, Hungary has a whole grouping of statues of the 7 mythical ancient heroes around the pillar symbolic of the beginnings and authority given by the celestial beings hence angels. ref
The Christmas Tree with its conical shape and star goes back to the same old truth.
In one of the secluded rooms, also in the Dendera temple is the famed mural simply nicknamed as the 'light bulb of Dendera' because of its resemblance to a modern day bulb and electric system. But is it really such an object or is the similarity just superficial and there's a much deeper story to this artifact?
When we try to interpret the meaning of such a mysterious looking mural we somewhat have to stick to what the Ancients really said and showed us, otherwise we will end up with a misinterpreted solution which is rather sensational. To decode its meaning we simply need to look at similar depictions of the same theme and it becomes clear the Dendera mural is a fusion of these elements.
The insert image on the upper left from the Thutmose I tomb shows what Wayne identified as the ship of Ra, he has a whole story on it to prove where the ship came from and where it landed. This depiction shows Ra in a very technical looking oval ship nothing like the traditional barque and he is shown landing on the back of the Sphinx as per many other murals suggest it ref (more to come on this story on this page). Note that his ship is not just an oval disc but there is a serpent in it likely denoting the way he traversed the heavens, cosmic wormholes as discussed on PAGE I. Wings added to teach flight. The breakthrough is that the Dendera mural replicates the same oval form with serpent but being 'sucked' into what appears to be a lotus wormhole resulting in the distortion of the ship's end!
The insert image on the upper right from the papyrus of Chensumose essentially shows the same oval disc with serpent celebrated by the sacred Djed column ref, explained at the end of Page I. as well, something the Ancient Egyptians show is the mythical Tree of Life, in a very special place in the universe where the souls traveled to and so did the 'gods'. A story so big that it deserved its own site at Oneism. Back to the story... it is a tradition to put the ship of Ra above the sacred pillar - sometimes as a winged disc or a normal ship or a thin rectangle or as in this case as an oval, all showing the UFO nature of the ship.
The insert image on the lower right, also from Dendera completes this breaking detail as it duplicates the stargate theme talked about on Page I. It shows the traditional ship resting on the heavenly pedestal and entering the star 'door' at the right hand side but this time the ship's conduit nature is enhanced by focusing more on the ship's original lotus wormhole meaning. So to sum it up, the distorted UFO disc of Ra (as the 'lightbulb') enters this wormhole, gets distorted, and the wormhole actually connects to the stargate like a 'cable' or 'wire' does.
It's interesting to mention that modern physics too suggested that if something enters such a wormhole or stargate, it is supposed to become distorted in shape since the time-space continuum is changed in that moment. The ancients could witness this sight or were told about it. ref1 ref2
In his 2010 CNN iReport article and video Wayne shows proof how the celestial ship of Ra landed on the back of the Sphinx which originally had a lion's head.
The mural here not only duplicates this theme with Ra as the scarab, his symbol ref but is special by showing the ship quitting (or entering) the same stargate seen in Dendera and other depictions on Page I. It shows that the craft arrived to the Sphinx from a portal. The yellow 'door' even has small ribbons atop - an anomaly shown on some of the murals and implies tiny wormhole openings branching from the main conduit opening.
Note also the figure (probably Ra) standing inside the Sphinx which suggests a door leading from the back of the sculpture to its inside through the head.
Wayne Herschel showed that the remains of this door are indeed visible today, behind its neck and that the Sphinx has a flat back for a reason, so that the UFO ship can land on it! ref1 ref2 ref3
The above image is a breakthrough because it's the only kind to date that shows a person holding some type of a key or tool and touching the back of the head where the remains of the door are found.
The depiction also shows a yellow oval form which may be a simple 'sacred name holder' often used by Egyptians to show royal names but this time it is strangely empty and only a giant scarab shows up in it, the very symbol of Ra. It is possible that the oval with Ra is the same oval disc as seen in Dendera and that it is indeed the ship landing on the back... and the visitor opens the door once landed!
The sunlike star near Pleiades is a tiny star that symbolically shines down as a narrow light or ladder on the ground hence the historical depictions. The regular, bright stars have notable light though. It is not a coincidence that Egyptians sometimes referred to the pyramids as 'mountains of light', in fact the Great Pyramid itself was also called as 'Hufu's light mount'. ref (László Kákosy: Sons of Re, page 81)
As the sun shines down with its rays so do the stars and this could account for the pyramidal shape with a wide base and narrow apex mirroring a mountain but of light. This is yet another clue that supports the pyramid star map reasoning proposed by Wayne.
This tradition of the star with its light is so deeply-rooted that it is found not only in Europe but in some of the greatest capitals of the world like in New Delhi.
The above image shows the Jaipur pillar located right at the presidential palace of India in the heart of India, so to speak. It was built along the Rajpath or 'King's Way' for a reason. ref Like in Budapest the pillar is associated with kingship and authority.
A rarely seen mural in the tomb of Ramses the 6th shows an intricating scene. In mainstream Egyptology the above piece is interpreted as the resurrection of Osiris - indeed there are several available pairs of this mural which clearly show the resurrected 'god' ref but what is special here is the anomaly 'hovering' in the air and the usual Osiris-legend might have fused together with another story here.
The lying Osiris was painted inside a sacred enclosure to denote that the scene is of paramount importance. He is in the look of the Sphinx with the human head and with an extra lion head in front of him as the decoration of the ritual bed. This is in tune with Wayne's theory that originally the Sphinx had a lion's head for a specific reason ref and indeed, the same tomb has as many as 3 identical representations of various ships landing on the back of the Sphinx like the one shown 2 images earlier which 'coincidently' also has a lion's head.
But more importantly in this case the boat appears to be in the form of a real flying disc, perhaps even with a dome but this top part could also be an occupant - an ankh symbol 'bound' to the heavenly craft. Wayne theorized HERE that the ankh knot stood for the Grey entity often seen in contactee experiences and an entity that watches over all life. It often appears personified with hands and legs and is tied to the Djed column.