Indonesia is home to many beautiful monuments and buildings and its history is rich and ancient. It is on the island of Java where we find the world famous temple of Borobudur which is a masterpiece of architecture and was meant to symbolize the Buddhist concept of the cosmos in the form of a giant '3D lotus'. It is also the largest Buddhist monument ever built! ref
Countless scenes of important events and symbolical meanings were etched into the walls on the many levels of the pyramidal structure but one stands out as the most special of all. Its importance was largely missed by scholars and historians - it shows something found worldwide by author Wayne Herschel, a star pattern tied to the genesis of cultures elsewhere too. ref
It is a sun with a planet in crescent near 7 dots that was officially recognized as being Pleiades. A match to the globally found star map that shows up on many of the most sacred relics and monuments, a sunlike star near the 7 stars of Pleiades. It also matches Sumerian art - nearly 50% of their clay cylinder seals include this star configuration and in context of their 'gods'. Compare the pattern to the examples HERE and HERE, note how the Sumerians drew sickle crescents and not moon crescents, a shape only possible with a planet passing in front of its sun.
The secret of the temple doesn't end at its murals though. In fact there's a much bigger star map at play here. The layout of Borobudur includes not only the main temple but is made up of two satellite monuments referred to as ruins here and these two are situated opposite to each other. And as a final touch the whole area was surrounded by a large ring, a circle roadway which includes a prominent entrance path on the east. ref
And here is where thins get 'exciting' - there's a locally famous hill known as 'Dagi Hill' just next to Borobudur. This humble mount in the shape of a leg like a huge 'way-shower' points to the temple in a special way. This configuration with a leg shaped hill and an 'x' monument nearby is a globally occurring map that shows up in some of the most important places on Earth. It features a very ancient symbol the 'leg of the bull' of ancient Egyptian origin. ref A symbol that stood for Pleiades and its tradition was handed down through centuries and to cultures around the world. This is where the carved star mural comes into the picture - the terrestrial map is the same star map seen on the wall! Borobudur itself mirrors the sunlike star near the leg shaped Pleiades. ref
And what about the circle and two satellite monuments? Astonishingly, the layout here is a 100% match to that of Stonehenge which too carries the star map with its circle, 2 prominent satellite stones, eastern causeway and the nearby Winterbourne Stoke Barrows that are super-ancient circles laid out in the image of Pleiades pointing to Stonehenge. The English star map interpretation was proposed by Wayne Herschel and he suggested the circle around the 'Henge denotes an orbital path with two planets symbolized by the 2 special stones. See the matching layout of the English landmark HERE
But even this leg of the bull discovery is not the end of the star map clues. Zooming further out, Borobudur aligns with two other temples along an imaginary straight line, the three are in a row. ref This alignment has been known for a while now and puzzled scholars. For the first time though, its possible meaning is revealed within the context of the stars!
'Coincidently' the larger temple called Mendut, and the smaller one Pawon match the two nearby prominent, reddish stars of Taurus, the brighter Aldebaran and fainter Ain. These 2 are truly in a rough row with the sun star near Pleiades and act as yet another pointer to find the mystery star - one simply has to join the two and extend the line towards Pleiades! ref
The temple of Borobudur was meant to be cosmic. Not only the star map layout carries this message but so does its intricate composition. Nobody to date gave a clear interpretation of its shape and levels though.
What is known is that the temple represents the structure of the Buddhist cosmos having topped by 3 circles on its top which mean 'the abode of the gods'... much the same way the Dieng Plateau reference does - this can't be a coincidence. ref1 ref2 (see Zone 3 'Arupadhatu) Wayne Herschel showed how the Ancients revered not just one but actual 3 sun stars in the vicinity of Pleiades, a sacred trinity! ref The temple reference suggests the 3 circles (like solar discs) are the 3 abodes of the 'gods' as the name says. Amazingly the 3 are supported by 7 levels too, a very sacred number tracing back to the 7 stars of Pleiades. The code is complete: the place of the 'gods' is the three near the seven.
The temple has multiple cosmic statues too regarding certain levels, marked by green numbers. These will be explored later on (watch this space). By nature the temple mimics the sacred 'Mount Meru', too, something connected to the Tree of Life, explored later as well.
The 'gods' in question had never been 'divine' though. They appear as star people, flesh and blood humans who descended time to time and taught humanity its forgotten past and the place of origin as explained by the intro on the site here.
Far Eastern art is full of clues to not only the reverence of the star map but also the cosmic dragon which is synonymous with the serpent tradition. ref Borobodur itself boosts several carved dragons coiling down from the top of the pyramid in the exact fashion as the serpents do on some Mesoamerican pyramids like that of Chichen Itza. Here is an example of the Borobodur dragon at the foot of the pyramid compared to its American counterpart here
In art these serpents appear as cosmic carriers of the 'gods' and the souls, conduits one can travel by and in Egypt the star people journey on them between the stars - they are wormholes! ref Above is just one of the many examples how Eastern tradition preserved this same theme where a man pops out of a such a dragon ribbon ending in a lotus flower which is yet another element seen in Egypt too, where it was also attached to the serpents like here. It seems to have symbolized the opening of the conduit. Scroll back to the first image on this page - the sun star and its world have similar floral ribbons reaching down to Earth!
Not far from Indonesia, Burma has the same ancient clues to a forgotten star map that was printed on some of their great coins. The coinage of the Pyu kingdom above shows intricate symbols of various shapes but it is always a trio of celestial objects that is in the middle, either 3 crescents or dots for stars accompanied by a crescent. See how both coins here have an hourglass shape with horizontal pointer in the middle and 3 dots in a row. It fits the way Orion is bound with its 3 belt stars that point the way to the place of importance.
The 3 worlds in crescent, one with a dot star align with a pyramidal hill too. The two triangles, that of the 3 world and that of the pyramid merge so to speak, creating an 'Star of David' effect, the same witnessed on one dollar bill if its two graphics are merged together. Wayne found this symbolism stood for 'as above so below' and meant knowledge of star maps placed on the ground to mirror the sacred stars in the sky, done across the globe. ref1 ref2 (see middle of page)

The ethnic group indigenous to South Sulawesi had been relatively untouched by the civilization before the 20th century when it was 'discovered' by Dutch explorers - and although it was isolated from the rest of the world the heritage of the culture is strikingly similar to the ancient stories shared across the globe. Their mythical elements preserved as carvings and decorations are said to evoke a story so ancient and important that it is well known amongst them even today. ref
Their origins they say is from the stars but in the literal meaning of the word! Their name Toraja means 'people from above' and they insist it is the sky and not the 'people of uplands' as some scholars refer to them omitting the heavenly aspect of the naming. ref (proof that 'riaja' could mean 'above' as well)

They also developed a bull worship just like other cultures did around the world - a global bovine cult that appeared in various countries and was tied to the creation or genesis of the civilzations in their sacred mythology. ref1 ref2 But this veneration becomes clear in the light of astronomy. It was a global cult of constellation Taurus, the bull; the part of the sky where the 'gods' came from!
In various cultures, including Egypt it was the bull's or cow's back that held the home of the 'gods' near the cluster of Pleiades... and it is so at the Toraja, too. The following footage is from an old documentary hardly available today - it proves the tribe not just spoke about this area of the sky but they chose EXACTLY the area of Pleiades as the place of origin which happens to be on the back of Taurus. And how did they arrive? They explain it was by star ships!
Listen carefully to the video.
Footage from 1987 BBC Documentary: Ring of Fire - East of Krakatoa

The above artifact is a traditional Torajan door. It shows exactly just what was so special about the bull and defines that it was a sun in the constellation that was revered. The cult flourished not only in Ancient Egypt but as pointed out by Wayne Herschel the OLDEST settlement ever found, the 12.000 year old Gobekli Tepe in Turkey held the same symbolism with a sun between the horns. ref
Note also how the Toraja priests wear horns here just like Egyptian and Sumerian 'gods' did on depictions... to signify they were 'of Taurus'.

Developing this further, on some of the doors Torajan art displays the same sun as a tiny star with a ray or beam of light emanating from it. This is a very subtle and ancient symbolism and it speaks a thousand words that it is found in this isolated tribe as well.
Years ago Wayne showed how the original Freemasonic tracing board - up on the right here - had not only the same star map, a sun star near Pleiades, and two other sun stars also in the area... but that the central star had the ray of light with steps on it creating a ladder effect. Indeed some of the other masonic boards show it with angels descending on it because it was the original Jacob's ladder! ref

The amazing match here is the Torajan celebration ladder. In the video it was shown how this ladder played a central role in their feast. Whole villages crowded to celebrate what they called 'the stairway to the stars'. It speaks for itself. They even had celestial chariots going around it adorned with bull horns and carrying celestial nymphs showing how the whole ladder theme revolved around the Taurus area where the chariots meant flying vehicles from there hence they were carried by tribesmen so that they seemed to be floating in the air!
What they still had in this feast was a tree installed on the top of the cosmic stairway. This cosmic tree is the other big secret. Wayne showed how the Ancients were really up to two majestic truths, the star maps dealing with the material origins and the cosmic tree about the spiritual origins. He dedicated a whole site to the tree on Oneism where he explains it is an anomaly the records speak about as a real place beyond the stars, the home of the soul - told about by the star people.

Among the many clues to the star map we find the letter H symbol anomaly too. It is seen on a Toraja elder's medicine box and it aligns to what is officially their radiating sun disc.
This same H symbol is found in the Minoan culture of Greece as well which dates back to 3000 BC and there it appears in the same configuration pointing to a sun as seen on page GREECE. It is also found in the now familiar Gobekli Tepe together with a bull's head, see 2 insert pictures above. There too the H aligns to a solar disc and crescent world beneath it. The symbol comes from the ancient Kanaga sign that was one of the ultimate symbols for Orion, worn by the members of the famous Dogon tribe as well! It is Orion and its belt that shows the way to the sun star in Taurus. ref

The bull tradition was so emphasized in the Indonesian tradition that Toraja started to build their own houses in a way that it resembled the actual horns of the animal! ref This shape could have a dual meaning though because according to the previous footage and descriptions it also stands for a general star ship shape, too. Note how the houses are carried by pillars so that the 'star ships' hover in the air where they belong to.
These houses also served as sacred temporary places for the coffins of dead and perhaps they wanted to express how the soul of the deceased was supposed to travel to Taurus after death similarly as Egyptian traditions claim. ref
It is not only the 'flying' Toraja houses that bear an uncanny resemblance to the Minoan horn statues as seen here but the symbolism of the two cultures is almost undeniably identical.
Seen on the above left are the Toraja symbols painted on the wall of a 'flying' house with the sacred cock bird standing on a sun that sometimes takes a the form of an ordinary star and with a double cross and bull head below it.
Contrary to this the vase on the right is by the Mycenaeans/Minoans from Greece yet displays the same things. It has the hero Theseus on the right, Orion itself slaying the 'starry bull' of Minotaurus Asterion that is accompanied by birds. On page GREECE it was explained how Pleiades was indeed associated with the bird cult - the word itself means 'flock of coves' and in various cultures it was seen as a hen and its chicks (cock bird) just like in Thai myths not far from Toraja. ref The bird stands near the sun star because that is Pleiades personified as an animal and it points the way to the star.
On the vase the bull is adorned with 3 stars in a row in its body fitting the belt of Orion rising vertically on the east to show the way. The same 3 stars in a row are there on the Toraja wall too - part of a cross and point to the sunlike star. They are in a cross because Orion was also seen as the sacred cross proven by Wayne Herschel. ref
But there's more. Not only the crescent holds people in it, celestial nymphs as seen on other depictions like here corresponding to the 7 celestial nymphs of Pleiades as in Greek mythology ref1 ref2 but there are 2 flying umbrellas without handle to the left of the crescent - a huge one with a tiny companion both having a wavy tassel below them. This sacred umbrella was a sign of divine and 'gods' or high beings were often accompanied by it in religious artwork. This very same flying parasol with a dome hovers over divine Buddhic figures too, like here. It matches yet another symbol that was included on many Sumerian seals that deal with the star map, the flying winged disc with the 'gods' seated on it, their vehicle. ref1 ref2 This is what the Indian mythology call Vimana, the flying vehicles of the 'gods' !
A disc that shone like the sine and capable of flight (hence wings). The umbrella shows the same disc in side view with its classic dome on the 'saucer' and what appears to be vapor coming from it (represented by the tassel), perhaps when reaching sonic boom and leaving a cloud-like blob.
To complete the map the site includes yet another alignment on a much bigger scale. It is northwest of Borobudur where one finds Java's oldest monuments, a cluster of sacred temples dedicated to the god-ancestors on a volcanic plateau called 'Dieng Plateau' which means... 'Abode of the Gods'. ref The name tells it all - starting here, 3 volcanoes in a row align with the site of Borobudur and point the way to it. It implies that something 3 in a row in the heavens shows the way to the home star of the ancestors which would be represented by Borobudur.
The 3 in a row in the heaven appears in various star maps and seems to stand for Orion's Belt. This alignment with 3 volcanoes was used in the Mexico city star map too where the 3 showed the way to Tenochtitlan and Teotihuacan as shown by Wayne Herschel here
It is also noteworthy how the Dieng Plateau monuments were nicknamed as 'Arjuna' ref, the mythical archer hero in the epic Mahabharata ref - apparently it is a link to the Greek Orion with similar letters (Aryuna~Orion) who has also been the great warrior of the sky! Linguistic sources do verify that the name of the Indian deity is rooted in a Latin word so the reasoning is possible. This connection verifies the belt of Orion interpretation.

There exists a direct legend of the Toraja that describes how these houses were indeed built for the purpose to mimic heavenly spaceships. The 'Tongkonan' as they call it literally means 'House of origin' - one more clue that it is not Earth they originated from in the beginnings. ref
Quote here with meanings added in brackets:
"According to myth, the first Toraja house (SPACESHIP) was constructed in heaven (SPACE) by Puang Matua, the Creator. It was built on four poles (LEGS), and the roof was made of Indian cloth (SHINY MATERIAL?). Next, Puang Matua ordered the construction of another house, on iron poles (IRON LEGS) and a bamboo roof (?). When the ancestor of mankind descended to earth in the southern half of Toraja, he imitated the heavenly house, and a big house ceremony was held for the occasion." ref1 ref2