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Silla was one of the first 3 kingdoms of Korea, one that was the most powerful and lasted nearly 1000 years becoming one of the longest reigning kingdoms on Earth. The royal elite founded its capital in the city Gyeongju but it was inspired by an extraordinary event. 


Legend tells that in 69 BC when the rulers assembled to elect the very first king near a forest, a mysterious light appeared in the sky along a strange white horse which emerged from a lightning bolt. The rulers immediately set off to the light anomaly to find that it was a huge egg and a child stepped out of it amid rays of light. He became the first king of Korea, King Hyeokgeose. A UFO arrival. ref1, ref2, ref3 See the recreation HERE



A monument still marks the site of this event today, in the old capital. ref And amazingly just few hundred meters from it there appears a trio of sacred monuments - a huge cluster of Silla mounds scattered throughout the plain, a giant crescent fortress officially in the shape of a crescent ref1, ref2 and a set of five royal mounds called Oreung including the burial of King Hyeokgeose. ref


​​The 3 map out the exact star map found in all ancient civilizations by Wayne Herschel, a map that shows the place of our human ancestors, the 'gods', sun-like stars in the vicinity of Pleiades! Note how well the Silla 'tombs' which originally might not have been built as tombs map out Pleiades and that the giant crescent marks the planet of that sun star symbolically as in other cases globally. Note also how the other monument, the five mound cluster appears as the most sacred monument hence the first king was buried there!


​In fact there is an extra monument in the place, the most ancient observatory tower of Asia which just testifies how the place was really associated with the stars. ref

To sum the story up, all of this is not a coincidence. Korea's first Silla king was a child brought from above in a shiny UFO, probably born of an earthly mother and a 'star' father. But here is something shocking, look at the date, 69 BC... just 69 years later the same event happened in a tiny village called Bethlehem, a child was born the same way, the Christ! Our space friends brought us children time to time in similar epochs, to give it a try and reestablish the good and right between earthly humans.


There is one more enigmatic thing here that is present in the arrival description of the UFO. While it's clear how the strange light above the forest fits into the picture which in fact was the big egg in the sky, the white horse was an enigma, until now. Wayne raised the possibility originally that they stood for openings of wormholes/conduits for a good reason, similarly to the cosmic serpent tradition.

​The white horse anomaly appears worldwide and is usually associated with the chariots of the gods ref - is it a coincidence that in this case too it is linked to the light above the forest which was the UFO itself before descended, the 'chariot' so to speak? By definition it's really important that this mythical white floating horse is always attached to the chariot, carrying it, and as the Korean story says it suddenly disappears after the UFO had emerged. Global stories verify this suddenly appearing nature of it: "bursts into existence in a fantastic way, emerging from the sea or a lightning bolt" ref and amazingly a version of the same Korean legend also mention that the horse emerged from a lightning bolt! ref


So what does all of this mean? In context of the accounts this horse really is no less than a fibrous wormhole opening from which the craft is ejected and which 'horse' itself emerges from a more narrow and similar main conduit referred to as a lightning bolt! In many cases the already long extremities of the horse are elongated and slim imitating how the conduit breaks up into branches perhaps smaller plasma ribbons which creates this special effect like the 3000 year old English depiction above ref where the limbs actually break off from the main body likely referring to this story.


It is more than likely that the ancient people who created the English horse witnessed the same display of a craft and were told about by the visitors how it resembled a horse or an animal with long limbs. From here onwards it was just a step to add wings to it to reflect that it's of the sky, like Pegasus ref One more thing to point out is that the English horse is surrounded by some confusion and was also referred to as a dragon (hence its hill called 'dragon hill') which is an important remark for the dragon or serpent is profoundly tied to this wormhole story - the serpent, dragon and white horse are in fact interchangeable terms for the same phenomenon.


One of the Silla mounds that make Pleiades up revealed the only complete Silla mural which is coincidently the white horse. ref Its look just doubles the conduit definition, it is a floating white phenomenon with many branching legs and swirls and has windswept-like forms on its back. It fits the general look of the conduit opening as discussed earlier.


Interestingly both the English and Korean horses 'spit out' something strange from their mouth, perhaps to symbolise the spat craft - nothing mirrors this better than one of the most precious Korean artifacts, the Baekje incense burner here which shows a dragon spitting out a lotus that holds a huge, 'burning' egg! The lotus is yet another globally recurring symbol that is tied to the wormhole story acting as an 'opening'. Its deeper meaning is examined on page Egypt here. This same artifact shows a phoenix on top as well and has spiritual significance too regarding the soul and cosmic tree (covered later on).


Excavations in the mounds revealed a special golden artifact too that is said to have been the part of a crown. ref It is not clear what the ornament was intended to represent so it is open to guessing. Is it possible that it's a simplified bull head with prominent horns hinting at an ancient bull worship mentioned earlier on this page? Something that appeared globally in several cultures ref, ultimately together with the star map where the sacred cow stood for constellation Taurus, the place of the sun stars near Pleiades.






On a closer look a third monument comes into view, part of the mound cluster but different from it. A 'small' crescent but it is really the size of a larger house. ref It is just in the right place to mimic the seemingly missing third sun of the star map as this 3rd star always appears very close to the star cluster in ancient records, almost as if it was part of Pleiades. The layout uses actual two crescents to denote sun stars! 

The 3 monuments form the solar trinity, the 3 sol stars - and amazingly there are records of worship of 3 sacred mountains across whole Korea, including Silla. Something that shows the reverence of the three was widespread tradition. ref


Note also something extra here, the whole tumuli cluster was fashioned to form a pointer shape with its pointy end on the right now covered by vegetation. Not only it is clear notion that it was intended to point the way to something but the overall formation resembles an ancient symbol that originated from Egypt and was very sacred and stood for Pleiades, the 'leg of the bull' ref - a symbol that was implanted in several star maps around the world. It is the leg of a bull because Pleiades resides in constellation Taurus, something that inspired the Ancients to develop bull worship globally.



Yamato Sanzan, the 3 sacred hills of Japan near Osaka ref often mentioned in their literature as the 'beautiful hills' is the legendary dwelling place of the 'gods' who founded the country! ref


It is also the former ancient city of Japan's first emperor, Jimmu and the age of the 'gods' is officially the period before his accession. Besides this he is regarded to be the descendant of Amaterasu by some, the ultimate sun god ref - but was it our Sun or another sun as the ancient records show?

​​The 3 hills are named Mt Kagu, Unebi and Miminashi. At the foot of Mount Unebi a partly ancient system of roads appears laid out in a giant leg shape with temples along it highlighted here. Similar star maps all around the world use this leg shape in their layouts, a tradition that seems to have its basis mostly in Ancient Egypt but could be traced back to Asian civilizations too - it was the now familiar sacred leg of the bull, the ultimate symbol for Pleiades. ref But not just that, the leg is perfectly oriented and placed at the foot of one monument as found everywhere else.

The temple cluster built next to it during the ages is most likely not a coincidence as well. Anecdote says once 70 temples stood here, something appropriate for the 7 star cluster of the Pleiades made up of actual countless tightly placed stars. ref


Out of the 3 hills the one below was regarded to be the most sacred referred to as 'of heaven', a clue which sun star was the dearest to them hinting at the possibility they originally descended from that sun. Coincidently Koreans too seem to have chosen that single sol star which may suggest that Far Eastern lineages originated there.


Last but not least the real breakthrough here is that the area of the 3 hills was officially dedicated to SUN worship - making the 3 hills real markers of the three suns! ref1 ref2










Seven star crags of ancient Zhaoqing city, China. The 7 curious peaks officially represent a seven star constellation in heavens - but it is a match to Pleiades and not Big Dipper as traditional interpretations claim! ref The formation seems to align with 3 monuments nearby for the familiar 3 sun stars just in the right places, one of them a new majestic, floating temple that was dedicated to Buddha and forms a giant lotus or circle like a sun disc. It has 4 actual pathways in it forming a cross, almost an X that marks the spot.


Not far from it a huge sickle crescent statue was erected that symbolically rises from the clouds ref - but does it really represent our Moon? Remember the opening Korean story on this page where 2 sol star markers were chosen to be crescent monuments - similarly Sumerian art too displays worlds in crescent linked to the star of their 'gods' near the 7 stars which crescents sometime take a closed or sickle form as seen here and here, an ultimate clue they are not of the moon shape but a planet passing in front of its sun in astronomical terms!

The place is said to have one of the most beautiful sceneries in China, the natural towers stand like tall pyramids. And more, the 7 star crags stand in the middle of an imposing lake, also called as Star Lake!


And the reason for the walkways? Although the narrow bridges on the lake serve the simple purpose of transport, their old layout design suggests they were deliberately made in this form. Note that the one below leads to the small circular monument while the other two pathways face different direction, creating a triple intersection, hint at a trinity linked to Pleiades area which is true. In this case the walkways serve as binding lines, pointers to the sacred suns. So does the narrow white bridge that links the 7th crag to the main monument on the right, clear pointer nature.


Mountain worship like this case was prevalent in Ancient China and strongly associated with the 7 star cult. Wayne Herschel released 2 other matching cases to date that all support the star theme and among these the 'Seven star park' hills also feature a crescent monument nearby. For the full story... click here



Indeed it can't be denied that Big Dipper was one of the key elements of these tombs and that the veneration of that constellation appears in other cultures as well - in Egypt too in a special way as Wayne Herschel showed in his February 2013 breakthrough HERE. He proves that the star map of the sol stars near Pleiades and reverence of Big Dipper was present side by side, both areas very sacred. It turns out Dipper stood for the direction of the home of the soul while the sol stars near Pleiades were associated with the sky 'gods' from the stars.

At a first look Korean and Chinese depictions seem to miss the sol star theme and concentrate only on the Dipper constellation but tombs like the previous one prove it was not so and thus a profound question arises. Namely that Big Dipper and Pleiades somewhat resemble both in shape and the number of visible stars, both 7. Many people actually mistaken Pleiades to a mini-dipper. ref

In his book and on his site Wayne showed how much confusion this miscomprehension created especially in understanding the beginnings of Egypt. Now, look at the above mural which displays 7 connected stars twice. While it may be seen as two dippers the extra stars placed outside the lines are different, match Pleiades just as much as the stars of the Dipper. Note the extra star connected to the others by highlighter blue lines, the final shape is eerily similar to Pleiades and surprisingly it aligns with the same sun disc in the right place... where the X star would be!


One more important detail is the ecliptic. For the sun and moon it is impossible to get close to the Dipper but not in the case of Pleiades which lies very close to the ecliptic ref (red line), so any depiction of the Dipper with our 2 celestial bodies is purely symbolic.

The sun or sun star is, again, accompanied by its 'mate' the 'moon' which in fact might just happen to be planet of that star! A number of ancient depictions show the very same configuration, to come in the following. And lastly, observe the rabbit in the 'moon', it is something covered later on.

Goguryeo, the other kingdom besides Silla and Baekje hosts a number of very ancient tombs with spectacular murals inside. Arguably these frescoes and paintings depict astronomical themes sometimes with several constellations. One has to wonder whether these 'tombs' were originally intended to be burials because Wayne Herschel and earlier author W.Mr. Fix argue that essentially many pyramidal constructions including tumuli had a primary purpose, star gates for the soul where the initiate would travel to the desired stars in an out of body experience. ref

The Korean astronomical tombs especially deal with Big Dipper (reasoned in following paragraph) which was sacred globally but also feature some other constellations. The above image is an amazing depiction because it shows a huge red sun disc placed just beneath what is officially said to represent Orion's belt with its sword and to the far right a cluster of 7 dots, officially Pleiades! ref (pages 17-18, 28) While in the globally found star maps the sun stars are shown close to the 7 star cluster they are also connected to the belt stars of Orion big time because the 3 bright stars of the belt point the way to the area of Taurus, the sacred place. ref

​Fact is that while Koreans and Chinese developed their own sophisticated markers for constellations other than the Western ones there's some confusion about their exact interpretation in ancient cases like this tomb. Namely this mound has actual two Orion's belt both aligning with a ('sun' / 'moon') disc below them which led scholars think one belt stood for Sagittarius. But what if the whole concept is slightly misunderstood? What if the Ancients simply expressed the importance of the same star map in two ways to create harmony and also to mark its sacred rising or setting? More on this later;





Not so long ago a special tomb was discovered in China. It is cleverly called as the 'mural tomb' because it boosts 80 square meters of well-preserved ancient murals, all 1500 years old! ref Among the many depictions one stands out in particular, the giant dome painting of a starry sky that is cut into half by the Milky Way referred to as 'silver river'.


Besides the scattered stars the familiar sun and moon discs show up with their signature animals, the solar disc with a three legged crow in it as seen earlier. But there is one more distinctive feature, a grouping of 7 stars, a cluster, in the general shape of Pleiades - and the solar disc is situated exactly at the x that marks the spot for the sol star as found in other star maps!

But not only that, this cluster is close to multiple strings of stars that seem to map out an M shape, joined by blue lines here to highlight the asterism. If the 7 star cluster is the Pleiades - and indeed its orientation towards the Milky Way is correct - then the M constellation is more than likely Perseus! ref1 ref2 The area of Perseus seemed to be important for some of the Eastern cultures as shown by Wayne in his Ang Kor breakthrough where the pyramids map out that very constellation as a marker and pointer to the sacred area of Pleiades and the suns nearby.


Also, it is perhaps not a coincidence that Chinese and Koreans chose a bird they embedded into the solar disc much the same way Egyptians had a bird associated with Ra, also put in the solar disc. Both cultures' stories however suggest it was not our sun but one of the sun-like stars near Pleiades! The bird association probably referred to the 'gods' from there who were able to fly hence the animal, see a comparsion... here

Not far from and in the area of the 3 hills are the majestic burials called 'Kofuns' which are giant keyhole shaped monument easily visible from the sky. ref Scholars are puzzled by its meaning and try to reason its form with no luck. A global association however sheds light to its connection to the star theme!

Wayne Herschel found that this globally recurring symbol also found in the magical Key of Solomon stood for a star with ray of light emanating from it. Something very sacred and ancient, a pictograph to denote a ladder from that star near Pleiades, a visitation or colonization from there to here, Earth. The same as Jacob's ladder. ref Amazingly such gigantic burials happen to exist in the deserts of Saudi Arabia as well with actual steps in the beam for the ladder theme. ref It is found in Egypt too where it was correctly put to the back of the sacred cow, Taurus - the exact spot of the sun star.


Note that the Kofun above is special as it has 4 orbs around the solar disc part. It matches Solomon's key depiction, 4 dots or 4 orbs for 4 planets. Another solar system ref1 ref2 and by burying the dead in such kofuns they expressed that their soul literally travelled to that sun. They didn't have to die to have such a journey though - Wayne and author W.MR. Fix argued such 'tombs' could originally be used as sacred hills to have out-of-body experiences!



'Coincidently' this area and greater Asuka is the also place where Japan's pyramids and giant megaliths appear in a dense concentration, another hint at it being place zero. The pyramids are featured in Wayne's book as well, they have inner chambers like the Egyptian pyramids and they may map out yet another version of the star map hence built at the original 3 sacred hills.

​The above stone on the right is called Masuda no iwafune and weighs an incredible 3-500 tons while the one on the left is part of the nearby Osaka castle, purely megalithic walls.


Japan's oldest sanctuary, Omiwa Jinja near the 3 sacred hills has its own special solar trinity symbols, 3 suns interlocked. ref1 ref2 It may very well hold the ancient tradition of the 3 heavenly bodies the same way Christianity does where the original trinity which rooted from Middle Eastern solar worship stands for the same theme! ref

The mythological characters Fuxi and Nuwa are also regarded as the Chinese 'Adam and Eve'. But not only that, they are ultimately linked to the creation of humanity as the creators of clay figurines which come alive by their divine power. ref According to some other sources they were the survivors of a great flood that swept over the land, a story eerily similar to that of Noah who was not only one 'different' from their own people as described in the Ethiopian Bible which details his work but his son Abraham is directly linked to the lineage from the stars in the world's oldest church / synagogue.

​Abraham's star map HERE appears to be the same as what these ancient Chinese artifacts seem to show. This is a type of scroll that has several versions yet many of them show a cluster of 7 or 9 dots between other constellations! It's agreed that the dots here indeed represent stars. Contrary to more modern interpretations the 'sun' and 'moon' here appear as two suns with the depiction of a closed sickle crescent - something the Ancient Sumerians used too in their earliest depictions. And as suggested before, a shape that does not show our moon but astronomically speaking a planet passing in front of its star, the ultimate way to show a sun with a planet.







It is not a coincidence that Chinese traditions preserved the memory of the 'dragon eating the sun' as seen on the above mural. While the official interpretation says they used this notion at eclipses of the sun where the sun was temporarily eaten by a dragon, there's a much more profound meaning to this scene. 

Depictions around the world like those of Egypt show 'gods' and souls travelling on cosmic snakes where the reptiles wiggle from star to star, sun to sun, passing through the celestial bodies which act as literal stargates. ref1 ref2 On the above image, note how there are ribbons coming from the sun and dragon, something seen at diverse places - tiny versions of the conduit that branch from the main opening, resembling a thunderbolt with its many small 'arms' just like mentioned in the Korean story.



Huang-di was the first emperor of China, the famed 'celestial' Yellow Emperor. Considered to be the 'forefather' of the Chinese he gave people numerous inventions and innovations including early astronomy! All of this 4500 years ago! ref


Besides his mysterious personality and knowledge there's a legend about his departure as well. According to this after he had reached complete enlightenment, one day he installed an object, a so called 'tri-pod' near the mountains. When he cast the large tool the heaven opened and immediately a yellow dragon appeared and this miraculous event was witnessed by thousands - he left with his colleagues, former celestial beings! ref What he did in fact was much more measurable than just a 'legend'. The tri-pod was obviously a tool of a kind that was able to open cosmic dragons or serpents aka wormholes or simply said stargates. When he rode it he really didn't ride it in the exact meaning of the word but was able to enter the conduit to journey to another location between the stars.


But how did China's founder acquire all this knowledge? Amazingly there's an anecdote that he consulted with beings from another star system, and it was Pleiades! Whether this record is true or not the text also suggests that these beings were the ones responsible for all the science he learned including things like acupuncture. ref The fact that the beings were said to be from Pleiades has much to say - it would confirm these were visitors from the same sun systems near Pleiades the ancient star maps show, people who started our civilizations! It is also possible though that Huang-di was also a child by them, much like Christ or Korea's heavenly baby king.

Korea, Japan, China were all shown to have the same star theme obsession hidden deep in their past. But is it true to those countries only or there's a bigger picture at play here? The answer is that it is found virtually everywhere! 

India, the 5000 year old realm. Even today the sacred bull worship thrives all over the country. But it is something that is found in the half of the world's cultures - and India is part of this obsession. ref Their very ancient records carefully compiled as famous books like the Mahabharata, the Vedas speak about 'gods' who were able to fly and used flying chariots as the means of travel. They had amazing weapons and palaces high up in the sky, off earth! ref


And although the records and descriptions of these beings found in those books are plentiful there's no exact mention just where they originated from. For this answer the rich system of India's mythology holds the answer.


Amazingly, few scholars pointed it out that the pantheon of all the 'gods' resided in what is known as Kamadhenu, the life giving cow ref who in many depictions wears wings to denote it is of the sky and emerged from the churning of the milk of ocean, the creation of the material of universe - two clues to its obvious identity, constellation Taurus! This almost comes as no surprise since India having an Indo-European language system shares identical roots to its Western counterpart cultures in Europe and this is seen both in its symbolism and words.


Therefore India's 'gods' are the children of Kamadhenu, Taurus just like the Egyptian 'gods' including Ra or Horus who originate from Hathor, also their life giving cow! ref This has never been a coincidence. Their star deities were the same beings from the same part of the sky. In fact even Norse mythology has the primeval cow and so does Zoroastrianism which has the primeval ox - 19th century scholar Viktor Rydberg even drew parallel between these traditions, perhaps it comes as no surprise that his findings were dismissed as nonsense given he found pieces of the real truth... ref



Amazingly, Vedic literature has a record about a special place in the universe called Goloka, which serves as the supreme abode of lord Krishna. It is regarded as one of the most important destinations in Indian mythology.

Now, not just Krishna is the protector of cows but the meaning of the name Goloka was preserved as "the world of cows" where the Sanskrit word 'go' means either 'cows' or 'star' while 'loka' translates as 'world' or 'planet'. ref This speaks a million words. It suggests Krishna's home has to do with a planet that is associated with a star of cow nature...  or simply said the translation could refer to "a planet of the cow star" ! The implications of this in the context of the star maps are far reaching - the target star in these maps is a sun star near Pleiades in the bull constellation - the place of Krishna!

In the very ancient times the famed archer god Hou Yi who aided mankind decided to end the suffering caused by the original 10 suns of the world. ref In his anger he shot 9 of the stars and was quickly warned not to kill the 10th one, otherwise there would have been everlasting darkness, so happened that only ONE of the suns survived. The 10 suns of BIRD nature were BROTHERS and were supposed to emerge AT ONE TIME as directed by the Jade emperor. They were all very YOUNG and loved to FOOL AROUND. ref

This description of ten suns sounds eerily similar to the accounts of the only known visible star cluster, Pleiades! Known as 'seven sisters or brothers' in most places of the world this tight cluster of many stars was always said to resemble young, playful children. But there's more, the Greek name Pleiades actually means 'flock of doves' ref, and was repeatedly depicted as a cluster of birds in Christian art too!

Chinese annals mentioned Pleiades among the first recognized star formations. ref It is also said that the Yellow emperor gained his knowledge from beings from the area of Pleiades, thus the place the whole Chinese culture was sourced from! Wayne Herschel discovered ancient star maps around the world which show all the cultures venerated a sun like star in the vicinity of Pleiades, home of the 'gods', home of humanity. The ONE surviving sun of this story might be purely symbolic of this ultimate sol star near the cluster and amazingly the archer mirrors ORION, the mythological hunter-archer deity who even today chases the cluster of Pleiades as seen in the sky, its belt points the way to the sacred area. ref1 ref2


Interestingly Hou Yi, the proposed Orion had a celestial wife, Chang'e. She is now the Chinese goddess of the moon who was manifested as the 'moon rabbit'. Now, remember the Korean star maps earlier on this page, the 'moon' or actually the planet of the sun star near Pleiades was symbolized by the hare. 'Coincidently' constellation Lepus, the rabbit lies at Orion and is associated with the constellation ref, something that would account for the heavenly couple and verify Hou Yi as Orion. This is not impossible since Lepus is an ancient constellation whose tradition could be shared globally hence it appears in Christian Easter and Aztec memory too.

The Chinese story features a special tree too where the birds dwelled. It is a mysterious tree called Fusang. 'Coincidently' in his research Wayne identifies this tree as well, as the other obsession of the Ancients besides the star secret. It is what he refers to as the 'cosmic tree' synonymous to the Tree of Life - more on this later on.


According to an Indian saying the two biggest gifts from 'gods' are the cow and the sacred tree. This simple comment tells it all, it hints at the two most important teachings humanity ever faced. Our physical origins as discussed up to this point, the star maps - and our spiritual origins, a distant memory about a place of the soul, a special 'tree' in the cosmos which holds everything in place. A place Egyptian walls and funerary book are also full of. ref


The above depiction is from an original 19th century sketch, it shows the 3 sun stars with Our sun as the 4th, a tradition celebrated in different cultures as well and freemasonry too. Amazingly, the publisher in the book this image was sourced from argues that the 3 little suns indeed represent the Hindu trinity, the Trimurti! ref1 ref2 (in French) It is the solar trinity exactly like that of Christianity, originally the reverence of 3 heavenly bodies.

The tree that holds them is the heavenly pillar that grows from the 'cosmic egg' and 'primordial waters' of the universe. This pillar of light, the trunk of the tree is something described in many diverse ancient accounts - its other interpretation is the dancing column, personified as Shiva with her many arms that correspond to the branches of the tree! It was animated in order to express it's a living entity, something that gives life and 'spins' the universe. The pillar of Shiva is sometimes surrounded by coiling serpents JUST LIKE in Christian tradition, in the Garden of Eden.

This cosmic tree or pillar is a very elaborate theme that was dedicated a whole site by Wayne Herschel on Oneism. Let it be said that this place is visited by people of near-death-experiences as well - and how does it connect to the star maps? It appears the star 'gods' who originated from the suns near Pleiades told about this very place, something they seemed to associate with... the Creator !












The aforementioned tri-pod of the Emperor was a sacred, ritual object that signified power throughout early Chinese history - a three-legged vessel, traditionally called 'ding'. But is it possible that the later ritual holder was merely a degeneration of a much earlier thing, one that lost its original meaning and became a simple object of reverence? That is exactly what ancient records suggest.


Some of the scripts that survived speak about the features of this object and that many later dynasties just re-found this powerful tool, buried in the ground, left from the mythological times of the Yellow Emperor - the original creator of these. The texts suggest it was able to move or rest and that it could be heavy or light, a clever clue about its nature. ref (pages 92-93-94-95) Because if it could be light, that means one thing only - it could be lifted up from the ground where anyone who touched it would feel it weightless! It is also written that in many cases the tripods manifested themselves to people, something that only an intelligence is capable of.


Also, it is important to note that originally these things were huge and not today's vessel of the same look, something that adds to their vehicle-like nature.


Another intriguing aspect is its timing, would appear at notable events, when a ruler either rose to or fell from the throne, something that would be definitely followed by 'divine beings' who are concerned with the fate of humans. There even was a case when such a tripod appeared among dense strange yellowish cloud, covering the metallic object.​


Amazingly the 3 legs feature matches the way Egyptians showed the same anomaly which landed on the very back of the Sphinx as found by Wayne Herschel in his 2010 breakthrough story seen HERE Moreover, the tripod type UFO's are found it today's accounts as well, including the somewhat questionable but famed contactee Billy Meier who in his first contacts claimed to have encountered a woman from the area of Pleiades, the same star cluster in question here, in a ship that landed by tri-pod seen here ! While many of his later claims remain suspicious, the first contacts were thoroughly examined by researcher Gary Kinder in his book 'Light Years', and found to be true to a point.


Surprisingly it turns out that Korea's egg shaped UFO that brought their first king... is one that was actually seen in a number of incidents reported in recent times! One such case was that of Lonnie Zamora, a police officer in New Mexico - his story was listed among the most perplexing accounts because multiple witnesses reported what was described as a flying EGG that had actual 2 occupants in it. ref1 ref2 (note usage of word 'egg') Several visual recreations are available, see one of the best ones HERE. Note also how the craft had a strange symbol engraved on it, a triangle with 3 lines - is it possible that the symbol hints at a certain trinity... perhaps the address of the 3 suns? A type of sign, that many variations had been observed on numerous unidentified crafts.


The other incident took place on the other side of the planet, in France where an agriculturist, called Maurice Masse witnessed a rather small spherical object  - again in the shape of an egg. Interestingly 2 beings were observed in this case too. ref See an image HERE


Rendered pictures by Marton Molnar-Gob and Wayne Herschel - Text editing made by Mrs. Ehinger

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